School of Humanities

Doing Trust in the Era of Crises and Catastrophes

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Reading: Trust and strangeness/familiarity

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DIEGESIS: Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Trust and Narratives of Crisis and Catastrophe

Here you can find the latest issue of the journal DIEGESIS, a cooperation with the research group Doing Trust. The issue gathers contributions from members of the research group (among others) and results from the proceedings our first two workshops. It also contains a report on our third workshop in January 2023.

DIEGESIS is an interdisciplinary journal for narrative research and is edited by members of the Zentrum für Erzählforschung (ZEF) at the University of Wuppertal.

Welcome to the homepage of the research group “Doing Trust”!

We are an interdisciplinary group of researchers at the University of Wuppertal interested in the practices, techniques and strategies of trust in an era that is commonly associated with escalating crises and catastrophes. We seek to find out how doing trust works in front of this precarious background. In our workshops, guest lectures and reading group (AG), we discuss how practices of trust and also distrust work and change in and through communication and narration, how trust (and mistrust) may be assessed scientifically, or even re-composed through technology. We look at such practices of trust through disciplinary lenses as diverse as literary and cultural studies, philosophy, history, psychology, as well as civil protection and information technology.  

On our homepage, you can find information on our past and upcoming events and the members and projects of our research group. If you have any questions, would like to participate in one of our workshops, or join our reading group, please contact Nina Doejen (doejen[at] or Katharina Kalthoff (kalthoff[at]